Spread Some Sunshine On A Cloudy Day…Send a Card


Need a reason to send a special card?  Here you go:

1.You are in my thoughts.

2.You are so special, everyday is your birthday.

3. Remembered a special time we had.

4. Just thinking of you and had to let you know.  

5. The 5 best things I like about you.  

6. Congratulations (even if it’s something really small).

7. I’ve always wanted to tell you this… 

8.You inspire me.


What better way to say “you are important to me,” than to send a special multi-page card with original artwork, poetry and wrapped in an envelope that resembles a care package…simply beautiful.  Be someone’s inspiration.

Click on the card to go to our website or scan the QR code above.

Then go out and have an amazing day!

I Missed A Funeral…What To Do???

magnoliaSomeone close to you has passed away.  You weren’t able to make it to the funeral.  What to do?

Write a letter to the person who is closest to your friend/loved one. Share your happy memories, funny stories, old pictures (one or two that you don’t mind giving up).  Tell them how much you will miss the person, and how thankful and grateful you are that they were part of your life. This doesn’t only help you – it will help the one it’s hitting the hardest.  Just imagine how wonderful it would be to receive such a letter.


These are the kinds of things many people keep – looking at again and again years later.

Then place that heartfelt letter in a special card that is different from others.  One that is wrapped in a care package envelope.

A card that they will want to keep forever…sent by you who cared so much that the ordinary card just wouldn’t do.

You hold the key to lifting the spirits of others…go for it!